The R-Pi 1 model B needed you to install RiscOS to run an emulator capable of simulating the mighty BBC. Having played around with Carles Oriol's ChameleonPi, which was great, I was able to play a load of my old BBC B games, in slightly less pleasing form using the fuse zx spectrum emu. To the extent that the chap in the arcade actually threw us out a couple of times because he was worried our parents would come round demanding to know why he'd let their sons fritter away so much cash on something so irrelevant as an arcade game. Initial experiments with xboxdrv and MAME got me a system capable of running the arcade game that a friend and I would cycle 3 miles down the canal to the arcade to play, and relieve ourselves of several weeks' pocket money at one sitting. While I use Raspberry Pi for various things, getting them to run old arcade games was always up there in the list.